Career Development Techniques... For a Healthcare Career Boost
Your Career Enrichment Coaching
If you're struggling with your healthcare career, you may need to implement some career development techniques. What does that mean? Well, we're going to tell you how a little career enrichment coaching or career development planning can jumpstart a stagnating career or guide you on to a career change path, if needed... So what exactly are these development techniques I'm talking about? Well, when we say "career development," I mean having a specific career management plan that includes such activities as career goal setting and career training to make sure you have the right skills for the health care job you want. Other ideas for career development techniques include researching any healthcare careers of interest by gathering information from books or on the Internet. You can also try to arrange an opportunity to interview—or even shadow—someone doing the health care job you think you'd enjoy doing. The important thing is to take a focused approach to any career development techniques you use. Make sure you get the best value for your time and dollar. To recap, these are the actions we recommend: - Take a career aptitude test to find out what you're good at
- Make sure you have a focused career management plan
- Set specific & time-oriented career goals
- And get the career training you need to succeed in your career plan
Do those things and you'll be on the road to success! The article below offers a few more suggestions for career development techniques that work: Ten Things About Your Career Developmentby Martin Haworth Career Development. Who tells us about this when we start in our first job or make decisions about college? No one. So do we end up in the perfect job or are we a square peg in a round hole, forever sub-clinically depressed? It's pot-luck...want some help... There are some tactics you can action whatever you wish for from your career. Whatever you might think right now, you have all the tools you need for a career which give you joy and fulfillment. You might not think that possible, or that it will leave you cash poor. But that's not usually the case. Your life can change within your control.
Those who are the best at Career Development... - Recognise Unease
They see within themselves that they are not as happy as they should be and take steps to find out why.
- Get Creative
Through the murk and confusion, they are able to step back and see the big picture and leave nothing out as options.
- Understand their Values
By finding out just what is truly important to them - what gives them a real buzz, they use this to create a picture of what it is they want from their career.
- Devise Tactics
And so they plan, step by step to see what they can leverage from their current role. What they have elsewhere that they can utilise. All to prepare for moving towards their future.
- Have a Goal
And they have a Vision; a goal that they want to get to. This gives their activities towards their Career Development energy and focus.
- Prioritise
Yet they take it step-by-step, in line with other parts of their lives. Unless they feel there is a moment now where the time has come to make a dramatic step, they take their time, priority by priority, to prepare the way.
- Are Focused
The best at Career Development are able to deliver their existing role, keep their eye on the future ball as well as preparing themselves for the next challenge.
- Know Their Strengths
Vital to be clear on, many who are those round pegs in the square holes strive to get much, much better at the things they struggle with. Bad idea. Top performers work their strong points well and delegate the rest - or find a different role.
- Are Ambitious
These folks are on a mission. They want the best for themselves. The very best stop at nothing to get there and use some skills which may verge on selfishness, both in the workplace or in their domestic setting.
- Plan
Often they may map out their Career Development way into the distance. Truth is they are very unlikely to take their future by chance.
You can take control over your own destiny - but only 100% of the time, no less. And no-one else will.
About the Author: © 2005 Martin Haworth is a Business and Management Coach. He works worldwide, with small business owners, managers and corporate leaders. He has hundreds of hints, tips and ideas at his website, (Note to editors. Feel free to use this article, wherever you think it might be of value - with a live link if you can). |
So, if you implement even one or two of the career development techniques described by Mr. Haworth, above, you'll be well on your way to success. Which career development techniques will you choose?
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