Looking for help with how to choose a career? If so, I'm here to help you...
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When you get ready to start a new career, sometimes it's hard to know which career activities to begin with. You'll find the career help you need here.
Finding the best job that suits your personality and your lifestyle is never easy. It’s actually a full time job itself.
To better understand your needs and increase your chance of succeeding when you start a new career, you need to conduct a personal evaluation. This is the best tip I can give you when you're trying to figure out how to choose a career that is right for you.
Ask yourself... Is this the career I want? Is there room for growth? Are the salary and benefits good?
You can’t really evaluate a position unless you do the research. You can use this website to start your research. But you'll also want to discover as much as you can about the career fields you're interested in by Googling them.
A Tip for How to Choose a Career: Know Yourself
Knowing what kind of personality you have and your interests gives you an idea how you would like to spend your day on a job. The activities you’d like to get involved in plays a great role in keeping you motivated.
You could make a list of the kinds of people you would like to be working with. Say, people who like being told what to do or authoritative types; how about loud people or quiet types; and would you like a place where people love socializing or not?
A great tool to get to know yourself and your abilities, and how they might relate to your career aptitude is to take one of the many career tests that are available. I tell you more about career aptitude tests and career interest surveys on my career guidance advice page. If you want to know how to choose a career, it's a great place to start!
One More Tip for How to Choose a Career: You Need a Plan
Next, it's really helpful to have a specific career management plan that includes such activities as career goal setting and career training to make sure you have the right skills for the job you want.
Every career plan (at least those geared towards career success) must have career activities with specific career goals as their foundation. If your plan doesn't include career goals, then you might as well abandon it. Goal help you focus, they give you something to shoot for... and—when written correctly—they are a ruler against which to measure your career success after you start a new career.
Other career activities to take in how to choose a career include researching any careers of interest by gathering information from books or on the Internet. You can also try to arrange an opportunity to interview—or even shadow—someone doing the job you think you'd enjoy. Go along for the ride, if you will...
The important thing in how to choose a career is to take a focused approach to any career activities you use. Make sure you get the best value for your time and dollar.
Need Some Help in Making Your Final Career Choice?
Maybe you've narrowed your career choice down to being a nurse, a physical therapist, or a dietitian, but you you're having trouble deciding which of those 3 is most right for you. Well, I have good news...
I've found a tool that is really helpful in making difficult choices. It's FREE web-based software (no download necessary) that helps bring clarity to any decision-making process. You do the work, but it helps you do it scientifically.